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*Guest Instructor* Painting Foil Balloons with Annie Brown

Regular price $40.00
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Wednesday, September 11, 2:00pm - 3:30pm PT

In this workshop, we’ll learn how to paint metallic foil balloons! We'll spend some time observing these shiny, seemingly-difficult subjects and talking about how we can simplify them. To make learning easy, we will all work from the same reference image, a gold star balloon. Sketching guides will be provided in advance so that we can get straight into painting, blending, and capturing reflections to create a mirror-like painting. As a bonus, participants will also receive an entire foil balloon alphabet for you to use in future artworks!

 By the end of class, you will have a newfound appreciation of reflective objects, a better understanding of how to translate shine to paper, and all the foundational tools you'll need to write your own balloon phrases!

Join zoom 15 minutes early (1:45pm PT) for an informal meet and greet with the 2:05pm PT so that everyone has plenty of time to join!


  • A pencil
  • An eraser
  • Watercolor paper
  • Watercolors:
    • Light Yellow (like Azo Yellow or CfM Citron)
    • Deeper Yellow (like CfM Tumeric or Cadmium Yellow Deep)
    • Gold Ochre
    • Warm Red (Vermilion, Cadmium, or similar)
    • Dark Brown (Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, or similar)
    • Black or gray
    • Any other colors beyond these are just bonus!
  • A water cup
  • Brushes - in particular, smaller round brushes 
  • Reference image of the star balloon we'll be painting together will be provided
  • Reference image of the balloon alphabet to use in future paintings will be provided



Annie Brown is a Los Angeles-based artist who uses watercolor and colored pencil to create contemporary, realistic artworks. She aims to highlight the beauty of the objects, moments, creatures, and places that we see every day. She creates original and commissioned art, teaches art workshops, and is currently working on a grant project for the Culver City Arts Foundation. 

See more of Annie's work! @byannieb


All workshops are recorded and the replay will be automatically available the day after class to everyone who paid for a spot! The link to the recording will expire 30 days after the date of the workshop.

* Zoom links are emailed 24 hours before the workshop starts; please check out using the email address to which you’d like the link sent. If you have not received the link within 24 hours prior to the class, please check your spam folder first and email

** If you’d like to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can open up the spot! We are only able to refund if we’re notified at least 48 hours prior to the workshop. 

Thank you so much for taking our workshops. We do ask if you are planning on teaching in the future by using anything you’ve learned from us, to please credit Case for Making + the individual instructor where applicable.